
打從改行當大肚婆的第16w 開始   妮小可就覺得  她的肚子裡   有一團東西會擩動

第17w  那一團東西  還會偶爾  輕輕的發出「波」 像有個小氣泡在肚子裡爆掉的感覺

跑去找醫生   醫生說「那是腸子啦」「那是子宮的血流啦」

妮小可在半信半移下   決定繼續觀察

第17w尾巴   「波波」變成越來越大力   連英小志用手摸  都會有「像被無影腳踢到」的感覺

妮小可堅信 「bb在踢我」   英小志卻一直反覆的想 「可是bb力氣有大到被踢的人有感覺了嗎?」

於是  妮小可為了找出證明   google 了  找到了有關fetus movement 的報告

內文大致上是說 --> 有些媽媽可以在第13-16周時感受到胎動    雖然媽媽難以分辨究竟是胎動還是氣體滑過腸胃   可是~

胎動有一定的規律   而且你可以發現   你所吃下的某些食物會讓胎兒更加活躍   你也可以觀察出胎兒的日常作息表  

哈哈   英小志總算相信   妮小可的肚皮 不是亂跳的了   因為~

每當吃完一頓飯後  尤其是有吃到甜甜的湯圓 麥片 柳丁等的  肚子會被踢得粉大下

踢呀踢呀的忙碌了一陣子之後   「波波」就慢慢由大力變小力   然後就會停止一陣子

如果說   這不是bb在肚子裡跳舞的話 ~  那麼  我只能說~ ~ 我的腸子也粉盡責  粉有規律的擩動消化著

只是說   誰家的腸子會無聊到一直波波叫呀!!!


Some moms can feel their babies move as early as 13-16 weeks from the start of their last period. These first fetal movements are called quickening and are often described as flutters. It may be difficult to determine whether this feeling is gas or your baby's movements, but soon you will begin to notice a pattern.

As your baby is continuing to develop he/she will stretch and flex his/her limbs. As you get further along in your pregnancy, you will begin to feel more obvious movements, such as kicking, punching, and rolling. Your baby may also move as he/she responds to noise or to your emotions. If your baby finds a position that you are in to be uncomfortable, he/she may also begin to squirm. Certain foods you eat could also cause your baby to be more active, and you may notice that he/she follows a sleeping/waking cycle.




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